Activity on The Vale Begins

We are edging ever closer to announcing a sales release date for The Vale thanks to construction activity commencing and site preparations well underway. Machines have been moved over from The Ridge to establish a temporary site office and to make way for the stockpile in preparation for bulk earthworks.

Down in the new parkland the massive Boiler has now been mounted for display with some general landscaping works still to finish off before we open this unique space for everyone to enjoy. Just like us, plenty of residents are eager to give the park a thorough working out, and we thank everyone for their patience as we continue to polish off some of the final touches.

With the intersection of Smiths Lane and Wongawilli Road almost needing an SUV to navigate recently, its pleasing to see Council finally commencing upgrade works along this patchy strip of road. With more usage along this last remnant of the old country lane, it will be welcome relief for the new and existing residents of Wongawilli.

Check out our June video update below and keep up to speed with ongoing developments though our Facebook and Instagram at the top of this page.


June 2018 Update from Vista Park on Vimeo.