Streetscape Incentive Plan - 2nd Instalment

2nd Instalment: $ 2,000


To successfully claim the second instalment of the streetscape incentive you must:

  1. Have successfully claimed the first instalment of the Streetscape Incentive.
  2. Maintain the landscaping of your home site in good order and condition for 6 months from the date on which you received an occupation certificate for your home (interim or final whichever is the earlier).
  3. Submit a completed application form to us within 4 weeks after the end of the 6 months period.

We will endeavour to assess your application within one week of you submitting it.  A member of our team may request further information from you or conduct an inspection of your home site to verify your application and to ensure that you are eligible for the second instalment of the Streetscape Incentive.   Once we confirm that you are eligible, we will pay that instalment to you the following week.

2nd Instalment Application Form

General Information


Account details for EFT payment

Sheargold will endeavour to respond within 7 days of the application being made.