Welcome to the April 2023 update!
With asphalt and turfing completed within the proposed road reserve, our team held the Stage 4 practical completion inspection with Council. We are pleased to announce that practical completion was achieved! This is always the most exciting part of our projects as we are very close to welcoming new residents to Vista Park.
The delivery team worked very hard to provide the necessary finishing touches and service connections to ensure the subdivision achieves the level of quality that is synonymous with Sheargold communities. We have also provided bonds for several items to ensure registration progresses without delay. These bonded items include:
street trees - to be delivered after homes have been constructed to avoid damage to the trees during construction
wetlands - currently under construction and will be finished within 3 months
Sydney Water connections - scheduled and will be delivered within the next month or two
We will now submit the draft deposited plan and associated documents (DP Documents) to the Council so that they can issue a subdivision certificate (the final 'sign off’ required from Council). To keep the ball rolling while Council are issuing the subdivision certificate we have lodged the DP Documents with Land Registry Service (LRS) for pre-examination. Pre-examination is an optional process offered by LRS whereby LRS review the latest DP documents before the final DP Documents are lodged for registration. Pre-examination reduces processing time between lodgement and registration from 3-4 weeks to 3-4 days. Taking all these steps into account we are looking forward to (long awaited) registration in June!
Following the good progress made on Stage 4, we have shifted focus and resources to Stages 5 and 6.
The construction of retaining walls are now in full swing and stormwater drainage works are all but complete across both stages.
The riparian corridor is taking shape, with mulch and jute matting works underway and near completion.
If we get a favourable run of pleasant weather (fingers and toes crossed) it looks like Stages 5 and 6 may well reach registration at almost the same time.
We look forward to providing you with another update next month. See you then!